Angklung menurut mitologi Bali berasal dari kata "Angk" adalah angka (= nada ) dan Lung artinya patah/ hilang . Angklung dapat juga dikatakan nada / laras yang tidak lengkap sesuai dengan istilah Cumang Kirang ( Bahasa Bali ) yang artinya nada kurang / surupan 4 nada .
Terciptanya alat musik angklung yang terbuat dari bambu berasal dari pandangan kehidupan masyarakat Sunda yang agraris dengan kehidupan yang bersumber pada makanan pokok berupa padi ( pare ) ini dilahirkan dari mitos pada Nyi Sri Pohaci sebagai Dewi Sri pemberi kehidupan ( hirup hurip ) perenungan masyarakat Sunda dahulu dalam mengelola Pertanian (tetaten) terutama pertanian sawah dan ladang ( huma ) telah melahirkan syair lagu sebagai penghormatan dan persembahan kepada Nyi Sri Pohaci dan sebagai tolak bala agar bercocok tanam mereka tidak mendatangkan malapetaka .
Dalam perkembangannya lagu-lagu tersebut di iringi dengan bunyi tetabuhan yang terbuat dari batang-batang bambu yang dibuat sederhana yang kemudian kita kenal dengan nama angklung dan calung
Dibeberapa Kecamatan Kab Bandung seperti Kecamatan Soreang dan Kecamatan Pangalengan jenis kesenian ini dipergunakan untuk arak-arakan upacara adat Nyungkruk Hulu Wotan ( menyelusuri hulu sungai ) dimana masyarakat membawa angklung dan dog-dog pergi ke hulu sungai membawa makanan seperti nasi tumpeng, lauk pauk serta membawa sesajen untuk upacara tersebut . Setelah sampai ke hulu sungai diadakan upacara lengkap dengan sesajen dan dupa dan berdoa kepada nenek moyangnya sambil menyembelih kambing hitam sebagai tumbal dan kepala kambing dikubur bersama sesajen dengan dipimpin oleh sesepuh kampung setelah makan bersama maka pulang sambil membunyikan angklung.
Angklung yang ada di Kabupaten Bandung terdiri dari 9 yaitu
- Singgul
- Jongjorang
- Ambrug
- Ambrug Penerus
- Pancer
- Pancer Penerus
- Engklong
- Roel
- Angklung Baduy
- Angklung Dogdog Lojor
- Angklung Gubrag
- Angklung Badeng
- Angklung Buncis
- Angklung Bungko
- Angklung Soetigna
Angklung according to Balinese mythology comes from the word "Angk" is a number (= tone) and Lung means broken / missing. Angklung can also be said the tone / barrel incomplete in accordance with the terms Cumang Kirang (Balinese), which means less tone / tone surupan 4.
The creation of a musical instrument made of bamboo angklung comes from the view of the agrarian life of Sundanese people with life originating on the staple food of rice (bitter melon) is born of myth in Sri Nyi Pohaci as Dewi Sri, the giver of life (breathe hurip) Sundanese first reflection in managing agriculture (tetaten) mainly agricultural fields and fields (field for dry rice cultivation) has given birth to poetry and song as a tribute offerings to Nyi Sri Pohaci and as a starting reinforcements to grow crops they do not wreak havoc.
In its development the songs in accompanied by the sound of tetabuhan made of bamboo rods are made simple then we know by name and calung angklung
In some such Bandung District District District District Pangalengan Soreang and this type of art used for ceremonial procession Nyungkruk Wotan Hulu (scour the river) where people bring Angklung and dog-dog went up the river to bring food like rice cone, side dishes and bring offerings for the ceremony. Having reached the river ceremony complete with offerings and incense and pray to their ancestors as a scapegoat while slaughtering a goat's head victimizing and buried with offerings led by village elders after eating with the home as she rang the Angklung.
The creation of a musical instrument made of bamboo angklung comes from the view of the agrarian life of Sundanese people with life originating on the staple food of rice (bitter melon) is born of myth in Sri Nyi Pohaci as Dewi Sri, the giver of life (breathe hurip) Sundanese first reflection in managing agriculture (tetaten) mainly agricultural fields and fields (field for dry rice cultivation) has given birth to poetry and song as a tribute offerings to Nyi Sri Pohaci and as a starting reinforcements to grow crops they do not wreak havoc.
In its development the songs in accompanied by the sound of tetabuhan made of bamboo rods are made simple then we know by name and calung angklung
In some such Bandung District District District District Pangalengan Soreang and this type of art used for ceremonial procession Nyungkruk Wotan Hulu (scour the river) where people bring Angklung and dog-dog went up the river to bring food like rice cone, side dishes and bring offerings for the ceremony. Having reached the river ceremony complete with offerings and incense and pray to their ancestors as a scapegoat while slaughtering a goat's head victimizing and buried with offerings led by village elders after eating with the home as she rang the Angklung.
alat musik angklung memang sekarang sudah menjadi trademark kota bandung dan indonesia pada umumnya...
bravo Bandung i love angklung angklung udjo :)
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